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Episode #9 - Dr. Husam Bader, MD - Changing Clinical Peer Review

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #8 - Kara Knowles - Nuclear Verdicts Are On The Rise
Risk Management

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #6 - Tim Walsh - Healthcare Cybersecurity

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #4 - Eric Wunder - Cost Coverage Trends
Risk Management

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #3 - Adrienne Fugett - Finding Medical Experts

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #5 - Denise Atwood - Healthcare Risk Management
Risk Management

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #2 - Jerrod Bailey - Curbside Methodology

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #1 - Jerrod Bailey - Medplace for Healthcare

Jun 24, 2022

Episode #7 - Ara Feinstein - Insights on Peer Review
Patient Safety

Jun 24, 2022